Founding Coalition Members

In Fall 2021, the Geena Davis Institute on Gender in Media, Intel Corporation, Lyda Hill Philanthropies, the National Girls Collaborative Project, Techbridge Girls and the STEM Next Opportunity Fund came together to consider how — by working collectively — they could exponentially increase their impact, develop a vehicle to amplify youth voice, and provide a major boost to the myriad of stakeholders working to close the gender gap in STEM.

One outcome of these discussions was #GirlsLeadSTEM. An opportunity to convene like-minded organizations around a collective voice led by girls themselves.

Each of these Founding Members have recently launched significant commitments to advance gender and racial equity in STEM:

Geena Davis Institute on Gender in Media, in partnership with Lyda Hill Philanthropies, will invest in research to assess representation of female STEM characters in media to help ensure girls “see” themselves pursuing education and careers in STEM.

STEM Next will engage one million more girls, particularly underserved and underrepresented young women, in STEM learning opportunities through afterschool and summer programs by 2025.

By 2024, Lyda Hill Philanthropies’ IF/THEN® Initiative will continue to reframe 'what it looks like to be a scientist' to show young girls that “IF she can see it, THEN she can be it” by:

  • Showcasing the #IfThenSheCan: The Exhibit and IF/THEN® Collection content in more than 100 museums, libraries, cultural centers, and on classroom walls to reach at least 20 million people; and

  • Featuring women STEM innovators as role models in content produced for television, across streaming platforms, and with digital franchises like Mission Unstoppable, which reach a more diverse audience than typical television programs do, to continue to grow the impact of such IF/THEN® content which has already yielded 150+ million views and 6.5+ billion impressions.

Intel Corporation acknowledges that changing the future of technology isn’t something Intel can do alone. That’s why Intel is convening its customers, partners, academia and governments to address the digital divide and expand access to skills needed for current and future careers in STEM fields. Intel is committed to expanding the inclusive talent pool for the tech industry through innovative global education initiatives and STEM programs for girls and underrepresented groups.

Techbridge Girls will equip and mobilize 10,000 adults by 2030, so they can better serve and support 1M BIPOC girls’ persistence toward a thriving STEM career.

The National Girls Collaborative Project will activate and expand its national network of STEM educators, growing the number of educators receiving key STEM professional development to serving an additional 25,000 teachers and program leaders.